Poll Worker Information
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Poll Worker and a valued member of our Election Team. Becoming a Poll Worker is a very important decision. It takes commitment, dedication, and the desire to be a public servant. A Poll Worker is a paid position that requires classroom training, online training and disciplined home-study of textbook materials.
Not everyone is suited to be a Poll Worker mostly because of the long hours. You must be at the polling place by 6:00 a.m. on Election Day and cannot leave until voting has ended and the Clerk releases the workers (approximately 14 hours). A description of the Election Team positions is listed below.
Also, a Poll Worker is required to:
- be a registered voter in Gadsden County;
- be able to read and write the English language;
- attend all mandatory training classes;
- be able to work at least 14-hours on Election Day;
- be a responsible team-player;
- make a serious commitment if hired as a Poll Worker.
There are 25 precincts in Gadsden County staffed by 8 to 25 Poll Workers, depending on the number of voters registered in the precincts. Although the previous year’s Poll Workers are given the option of working the next election cycle, many are unable to return and new Poll Workers must be hired.
We try to make sure we have an ample number of Poll Workers hired as Alternates (see description below) who can replace a current Poll Worker who may become ill or face an emergency that prevents them from working Election Day. So, although precinct staff positions may be filled at the moment, life happens and we must have trained workers (at least 100) available in addition to the precinct staff.
The precinct Election Team consists of the following positions:
CLERK ~ The Clerk is the person in charge and is responsible for seeing that the Election Team carries out its duties and responsibilities according to Florida Statutes; is trained in all positions and must demonstrate working knowledge of laws and procedures relating to voter registration, voting system operation, balloting and polling place procedures; problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills.
ASSISTANT CLERK ~ The person in this position assists the Clerk with his/her duties; is trained in all positions and must demonstrate working knowledge of laws and procedures relating to voter registration, voting system operation, balloting and polling place procedures; problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills; must be willing to take the Clerk’s place, should it become necessary; relieves the Touch Screen or Accu-Vote Operator for breaks or lunch; helps set-up and break-down the precinct; follows instructions of the Clerk.
POLL DEPUTY ~ This position is responsible for maintaining order at the polling precinct; assists voters; monitors the “no solicitation” area; helps set-up and break-down the precinct; follows instructions of the Clerk.
INSPECTOR ~ this position is responsible for processing the voters and issuing ballots; helps set-up and break-down the precinct; follows instructions of the Clerk. .
BALLOT MONITOR ~ this position is responsible for the proper and accurate distribution of the ballots to the Inspectors; relieves Inspectors who are on break or at lunch; helps set-up and break-down the precinct; follows instructions of the Clerk.
INSPECTOR / BACK-UP DEPUTY ~ this position is an Inspector who relieves the Poll Deputy for breaks or lunch; helps set-up and break-down the precinct; follows instructions of the Clerk.
ALTERNATE ~ this position is trained as an Inspector; fills in for someone who is unable to work; if not assigned prior to Election Day, will be on stand-by from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. Election Day; is available to work any precinct, which will normally be located on the side of the County where you live.
If you wish to apply to become a Poll Worker, please choose the Poll Worker Application from the main menu. If you have any questions, please email info@gadsdensoe.com or call (850) 627-9910.