You may register to vote if you are:
- A U.S. citizen and a permanent resident of Florida;
- At least 18 years of age (you may pre-register at 16); and
- In possession of your civil rights
You can register to vote by completing a Florida Voter Registration Application form. These forms are available at public assistance offices, libraries, city halls, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and upon request by calling (850) 627-9910 or by emailing us at You can also Click here to complete a Voter Registration Application online.
You may register by mail by completing an application and mailing it to our office at PO Box 186 Quincy, Fl 32353.
Those who wish to register to vote by mail who have never voted in the state of Florida and who have not been issued either a Florida Driver’s License, Florida Identification Card, or Social Security Number, must show identification before voting, or vote a provisional ballot.
Print A Paper Registration Form